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Xynergy Healthcare Capital

Is a nationwide financial services company providing customized Medical Accounts Receivable Finance programs exclusively for the healthcare industry.

Who Benefits?

Healthcare organizations including specialty clinics and centers, specialty service providers, DME/HME companies Medical Transport and other…

The Xynergy Team

Consists of seasoned healthcare financial and factoring professionals. They are experienced in dealing with HIPAA regulatory requirements, understand…

Who is Eligible?

In general, any healthcare provider being paid by medical insurance companies, Medicare or Medicaid with at least a volume of $75,000 per month and…

How Do I Get Started?

Call us Toll Free (855) 358-8258 There is no fee to have us review your application and receive a proposal!

Welcome to Xynergy Healthcare Capital

Xynergy Healthcare Capital LLC can provide your medical or healthcare organization with the cash flow it needs to grow, be profitable, and surpass financial goals. With healthcare factoring and cash flow solutions, we can help provide enough working capital for your organization to grow. When you have limited access to financing, we can enhance your financial flexibility by increasing cash flow to assist with your short-term or long-term financial strategies.

Simply fill out Xynergy Healthcare Capital’s online Medical Account Receivable Finance application along with a few supporting documents, and you can have the working capital you need within 24-48 hours of  claim submission. Contact us today to learn more or if you have any questions about our healthcare factoring services.


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The Xynergy Team

Consists of seasoned healthcare financial and factoring professionals. They are experienced in dealing with HIPAA regulatory requirements, understand…

Who is Eligible?

In general, any healthcare provider being paid by medical insurance companies, Medicare or Medicaid with at least a volume of $75,000 per month and…

Xynergy Healthcare Capital

Is a nationwide financial services company providing customized Medical Accounts Receivable Finance programs exclusively for the healthcare industry.

Who Benefits?

Healthcare organizations including specialty clinics and centers, specialty service providers, DME/HME companies Medical Transport and other…

How Do I Get Started?

Call us Toll Free (855) 358-8258 There is no fee to have us review your application and receive a proposal, apply or send us an email to…


Compounding Pharmacies

Compounding pharmacies experience, as a natural course of events, withholds or draw-backs from their carriers when their reimbursement arrive. So the question has been asked by many applicants for factoring facilities who are compounding pharmacies, how do you deal...

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Margins for Compounding Pharmacies Will Shrink

TRICARE is leading the way for all carriers to begin to examine the reimbursement rates paid for creams and topical treatment drugs typically provided by compounding pharmacies. Starting just two months ago, TRICARE began a review and audit program focusing on creams...

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Financial Professionals

Accountants play a vital part in the success or failure of a business. Business owners are good at what they do making and perhaps selling their product. Financial strategies are left to the advisors in the business owners’ life. To add value to the relationship...

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Imaging Center Financial Challenges

An imaging center in the southeast was having difficulties paying its expenses and more importantly making payroll. The facility had experienced enormous growth and could not meet the financial pressures resulting from the increased business. With a threat of...

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Underwriting a Healthcare Provider

Underwriting a healthcare provider for a factoring facility is a detailed process and delves deeply into all of the policies and procedures employed by the provider. This review very often uncovers deficiencies in various aspects of the provider’s internal systems....

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Is Factoring the Right Choice for Your Business?

Is factoring still a viable option with interest rates at historical lows? To answer this question, we have to look at the overall business environment. Let's dive right in and see if factoring is a solution that can help you and your business. The credit marketplace...

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When Factoring Really Counts: Home Healthcare Rescue

One may think that a business being paid in 14 days certainly does not need factoring. This is a conclusion that makes sense on the surface, but let’s look at the reality. About a year ago, a home healthcare provider billing Medicaid in the South-Central U.S applied...

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