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Xynergy Healthcare Capital

Is a nationwide financial services company providing customized Medical Accounts Receivable Finance programs exclusively for the healthcare industry.

Who Benefits?

Healthcare organizations including specialty clinics and centers, specialty service providers, DME/HME companies Medical Transport and other…

The Xynergy Team

Consists of seasoned healthcare financial and factoring professionals. They are experienced in dealing with HIPAA regulatory requirements, understand…

Who is Eligible?

In general, any healthcare provider being paid by medical insurance companies, Medicare or Medicaid with at least a volume of $75,000 per month and…

How Do I Get Started?

Call us Toll Free (855) 358-8258 There is no fee to have us review your application and receive a proposal!

Welcome to Xynergy Healthcare Capital

Xynergy Healthcare Capital LLC can provide your medical or healthcare organization with the cash flow it needs to grow, be profitable, and surpass financial goals. With healthcare factoring and cash flow solutions, we can help provide enough working capital for your organization to grow. When you have limited access to financing, we can enhance your financial flexibility by increasing cash flow to assist with your short-term or long-term financial strategies.

Simply fill out Xynergy Healthcare Capital’s online Medical Account Receivable Finance application along with a few supporting documents, and you can have the working capital you need within 24-48 hours of  claim submission. Contact us today to learn more or if you have any questions about our healthcare factoring services.


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The Xynergy Team

Consists of seasoned healthcare financial and factoring professionals. They are experienced in dealing with HIPAA regulatory requirements, understand…

Who is Eligible?

In general, any healthcare provider being paid by medical insurance companies, Medicare or Medicaid with at least a volume of $75,000 per month and…

Xynergy Healthcare Capital

Is a nationwide financial services company providing customized Medical Accounts Receivable Finance programs exclusively for the healthcare industry.

Who Benefits?

Healthcare organizations including specialty clinics and centers, specialty service providers, DME/HME companies Medical Transport and other…

How Do I Get Started?

Call us Toll Free (855) 358-8258 There is no fee to have us review your application and receive a proposal, apply or send us an email to…


A Year in Review

The reflective nature of the holiday season and symbolism of the New Year provide the opportunity to highlight achievement and focus attention on the priorities ahead. Taking full advantage of looking back at the previous months as a time of review can give a new...

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I’ll Call You Back

What are the most valued attributes that a financial consultant can offer to his/her prospective client? This goes hand-in-glove with the success of the consultant and more importantly with the reputation that one wants to have. First, in general, honesty. When...

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Texas Medical Factoring

Some medical providers in Texas may qualify for medical accounts receivable factoring even though the profile of the carriers paying the claims do not fit the typical factoring formula. Providers in Texas, have the rare advantage of being able to factor its workers...

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What Makes a Client Stay?

In many cases one factor will price a transaction very similarly than another would. They both should see the same risks, strong points and general attributes of the transaction. So one can make the argument that if pricing is almost identical, and your client can get...

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ICD – 10 Better Than Expected

Lenders and Factors have been gearing up for many applicants to be generated by the new coding structure called ICD-10. These are the internationally accepted diagnosis codes used by all providers. The new codes have increased in number and provide more specificity in...

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